What my clients are saying:

Troy Hudson
Mitch promised a rewiring of the brain but I didn’t believe it could really happen. I was depressed, always tired, struggling to remember things, and not sleeping well. I was in a deep fog that I attributed to my clinical depression. Although I was functioning; I was only functioning. I felt a connection with Mitch and I trusted him. His guarantee that it would transform my life was powerful, because it was true. Everything he says is true. The things I learned in the first session were so powerful it felt like my investment was already covered and I could just enjoy everything else as a bonus. Now, my mind is clear and my sleep has improved 100%. I am energetic, focused, and taking ACTION. I like who I am. And I love my journey. I give Mitch a 5-star rating and I rarely give 5 stars. Everything he delivers is real. It’s with love. Everyone who interacts with him knows this. I’m so grateful he has accepted his calling and is sharing it.

Josh Albrecht
I spent too much of my life questioning if I was enough. I knew there was someone inside of me that was blocked and I needed help chipping away everything that wasn't me. I listened to podcasts, read self-help books, went to retreats, and used different coaching programs and tools that were all helpful but the impact would fade after 2 days. Now I love more deeply. I love my wife and my kids for who they are and don't wish they were anything else. I love myself for who I am and don't feel like I need to be anything else. I feel confident that I am enough and that I am doing enough. I no longer feel like a fraud or an imposter. I create and maintain peace in my home. I treat my wife and kids with the same kindness and respect and love that I treat acquaintances and strangers. I feel at peace with who I am and what I am doing with my life. If you've found yourself investing as much as you can in yourself and still not getting the results, Mitch will get you to where you want to be.

Tim Perreira
Performance Coach
I came to Mitch because I had done a lot of my own inner work and made a ton of progress but I hadn’t worked with anyone else. There was a heavily guarded fortress that was affecting a lot of my life. It was holding me back from all this potential in me that was ready to explode but I couldn’t crack the code. Mitch has an ability to listen and understand what is being said behind your language. He has a deep understanding of how the mind works and how to reprogram it. We are only one perspective from a totally different life. That shift in perspective for me dissolved over 50 hours each week that I was living in a primal state. As I leveled up my own life, it poured fuel on the fire in my nervous system. I listen to people better and I am way more present. Decisions come more easily for me. I show up differently with my clients and I have confidence in the value I’m providing them. It’s normal to be hesitant to invest in yourself, but just know that if you can be honest with yourself and are committed to show up, it’s impossible to not get results.

Brandon Clark
Senior Manager
I knew there was a discrepancy between where I was and where I wanted to go. I was spinning my wheels. I was filled with hesitation, mistrust, and self-rejection that was directly tied to generational trauma. I took a step of faith with Mitch into an intention of transformation—to become less of who I’m not and more of who I am. I was spending my whole days avoiding a label, trying to prove I wouldn’t fall into addiction and alcohol. I had a crippling level of anxiety. Not anymore. Now I spend 100 hours less each week in stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. I let go of self-rejection. I have more awareness now. I’m more open, more curious, and calm. I was always a hesitator, but not anymore. I’m giving more grace and acceptance for myself. Mitch is clear and concise. He doesn’t over-promise or over-commit. He helped me create cohesion in my spirit, my body, and my nervous system so they are more aligned. I didn’t just do this for me. I did this for my family. If you get the help you need for yourself, it will improve your relationships.

Melonie Mullen
BYU Adjunct Professor
I had achieved a level of success in my life that I was proud of. But then I went through some very difficult things that honestly destroyed me. Finding my way back had eluded me. I struggled for about eight years feeling inadequate and disillusioned with myself. I had tried everything to get back to happiness and peace but hadn’t figured out how. After meeting with Mitch, I was amazed at how powerful his teaching hit me. I have lived with his coaching now for a few months and have been awed repeatedly at how skilled he is at helping me find powerful truth that completely changes my life. I feel so enlightened; so enlarged, as I've torn down a world of lies and rebuilt my world on truth. I am so different because my foundational beliefs are so different and have helped me connect with a true God with no barriers of shame between us. I feel so much joy and freedom living in a world of power and truth. I am so grateful for my life, including the hard things, because I see so differently. I love Mitch Whiting. He has given the tools that change how I see myself, my family, my work, and everything else. It works! How you feel is everything. I can’t really express my gratitude for what Mitch has given me. It's greater than the cost of time, money, or energy. Anything I say feels inadequate because it's just not good enough for all that I have gained.

Shideler Bennett
9x Franchise Owner & Managing PartnerÂ
There is a lot of stress I put on myself to achieve at a high level. The standards I held for myself weren’t healthy. People tell me that I am successful based on their expectations but I hadn’t achieved what I thought I could. There are very few people you can trust enough to have real conversations that aren’t just about business. Mitch asked me the questions that allowed me to reconcile things I had been ignoring. Now I can truly say I’m in a position of power and I don’t dwell on negative things. In every aspect it has improved me in all my roles. Everything I’m focusing on is growing and improving. I’m making more money than I was a year ago. I have grace, not only for myself but for those around me. I have a lot more clarity. I am confident, empathetic, and mentally stronger. I’ve had other people coach me and it’s not as personalized and I didn’t get the value out of it. Mitch gives you everything you need to have success. You will get the value of working with Mitch. In my opinion, there’s no risk. There is no other investment that gives this type of return.

Matthew Holman
Founder & Head of Partnerships
I was spending a lot of time thinking about what I should or shouldn’t be doing and feeling more and more doubt. I knew there was something more for me. I felt overwhelmed in my family life and disconnected from my step-kids. I was feeling lost and frustrated with a previous relationship and business. I wanted to step into my full self, my full power, and leave a lasting impact on this world. Now I have a great relationship with my family. I feel less overwhelmed. I don’t feel in control, but I feel more present. I’ve removed the doubt that kept me from doing things. I don’t hesitate anymore. I’m doing things other people didn’t think were possible including putting on a 300-person conference in 2.5 months that was comparable to events put on by multimillion dollar companies. I’m building two businesses, ran a triathlon, and now training for my second one. I am being who I am. Think about all the money we waste on everything else that doesn’t bring us peace, happiness, and long-term success. The money is inconsequential. It’s 100% worth it. It will change how you think about yourself and how you interact with the world. Anyone who spends time doing this work will have success.

Josh Gardner
CFO & Executive Director
I was a high performing person; a CFO, a good athlete, making good money, a good family, good business partners, but I was spending more time than I wanted in frustration and stress, especially with my kids. I didn’t want to look back on this time of their lives where I just wasn’t connected. Despite my values, I was allowing external events outside my control to influence my happiness. Mitch had walked the path and had a system to help me change my trajectory. Now I am a lot more present with my kids. I am more unwavering emotionally, more grounded, and less reactive. I have quality, flow-state play with my kids where I’m not checking emails and texts or needing to be anywhere. I work less but contribute more. I took on a role with higher potential and more meaning and went from managing 5 people to 125. With Mitch I felt like I was with someone who was intellectually my equal or superior. That sounds boastful but most people I associate with don’t have my vision and my drive. Mitch pushed back from a position of strength as an equal instead of thinking I’m hard to get. There is so much more to life than your career. You can have it all. If you want to have it all you have to invest in growth. Money doesn’t mean anything. It’s not about being rich or having all the free time. Becoming the best you can be is the outcome. Who you are is what drives your happiness.

Rachel Schizas
When I met Mitch I was in a place of uncertainty. I had done counseling in past years, read books, and talked to lots of people to learn from their experiences. Mitch came across as genuinely wanting to help me. There are coaches out there that just have a program but Mitch really tailors his coaching to each person. He helped me on my journey of becoming exactly who I am meant to be. I feel more confident and at peace with myself. I am confident in making decisions and spending the time to consistently work on myself. There are a million different ways to go about overcoming your challenges and accomplishing your dreams—although if you had all the answers you’d already be there. So you can read books and try to find the answers yourself, or you can invest in someone like Mitch who has already put in the time to help you get there faster.

Austin Peck
Senior Manager
I have gotten more out of working with Mitch than I ever thought possible. Before meeting Mitch I was stagnant, anxious, and lost. Now I am confident and in control of my life. My life will forever be changed. I am a lot happier. I now have control of my mental state. I build strong connections with other people. I am more present. I am more focused and diligent. I am consistent. I get more done in a shorter time. I am less judgmental of myself and give myself grace when I make mistakes. Having a coach can turn decades into days. Not only are the results possible, but inevitable by working with Mitch. If you are committed to the process, keeping the commitments, and having humility that someone can help you along the way, you are going to save a ton of time and a ton of money by hiring Mitch and working with him.
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